Sreedhareeyam has successfully leveraged three centuries of traditional Ayurvedic wisdom inherited from Nelliakkattu Mana, an illustrious Namboothiri family known for Ayurvedic Netra Chikilsa. The physicians of the mana were renowned for expertize in Ayurveda in general and especially poison remedies from more than 4 centuries ago. Over generations, the members of the mana began to place more focus on Shalakya Tantra (branch of Ayurveda which deals with ailments to the organs of the head and neck) and explored the depths of Ayurveda to unearth the treasures in ayurvedic eyecare. As modern technological advancements began to take shape with the evolvement of allopathic methods, the physicians of the mana explored options to take professional training and also find ways to get introduced to the technology revolution. Thus they excelled in the modern diagnostic methods and modern disease descriptions, bringing the best of both worlds together for the benefit of ophthalmology as a science.

Nearest Airport: Cochin International Airport
Taxi Service: Book A Taxi / Check Fare

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